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The Australian Government has charged South West NRM with the responsibility of ensuring nature in our region (animals, plants, agricultural soils, water, air) is given the best chance of health and survival during and after a natural disaster.

To do this, we have been asked to prepare a plan for nature on behalf of the departments of Climate Change, Energy, Environment and Water (DCCEEW) and Agriculture, Forestry and Fisheries (DAFF).

As the peak environmental organisation in the South West, we are working with State Government agencies who lead activity for West Australians in the Emergency Management space including the Departments of Fire & Emergency Services; Biodiversity, Conservation and Attractions; Planning & Regional Development along with local governments, Traditional Owners and landcare groups.

It's important community members like you also have an opportunity to contribute to development of the Plan.

We need grassroots knowledge on where our natural assets are located and ideas on additional actions we can take Before, During and After an Emergency (bushfire, flood, storm, drought, heatwave, pest/disease) to improve protection outcomes.

You can add your voice via the below tools. While we'd love you to register so we can keep you up-to-date, it is not compulsory. You can add your voice anonymously. Choose from Interactive Map or Ideas Wall.

Introducing South West NRM